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Vieraskieliset / In-english

Blog: And how did I end up here?

Vieraskieliset / In-english
24.2.2020 6.55

Juttua muokattu:

30.1. 13:41

I got an email from Ou­lu. They in­vi­ted me to start wri­ting a blog for Päi­vä­mies. I was de­ligh­ted.

I used to write a co­lumn for Päi­vä­mies. That was a fun pro­ject. So­me­ti­mes I had prob­lems mee­ting the de­ad­li­ne. It was a big re­lief to be ab­le to put the ty­pew­rit­ten pa­ges in­to an en­ve­lo­pe in the mor­ning and drop the let­ter in­to the mail­box on my way to work. So­me­ti­mes, ho­we­ver, I wrote the next co­lumn while still wor­king on the pre­vi­ous one.

Should I ac­cept this in­vi­ta­ti­on to perk up again? To write sto­ries for Päi­vä­mies like I did ye­ars ago, but now in the world mes­sed up by the so­ci­al me­dia?

BUT HEY! Blo¬gs are ac­tu­al­ly part of the so­ci­al me­dia that I have been so cri­ti­cal about? Should I write texts for any­bo­dy to read, cri­ti­ci­ze, and give feed­back to me or ot­hers, na­med or na­me­less? Should I just throw my­self on a fo­rum of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on that I do not re­al­ly ap­p­re­ci­a­te?

I had my first con­tact with so­ci­al me­dia when I got first con­nec­ted to the In­ter­net. Fa­ce­book was ins­tal­led in my com­pu­ter, but I ne­ver made any friend re­qu­ests. Fa­ce­book, ho­we­ver, sent out lo­ads of friend re­qu­ests in my name to va­ri­ous pe­op­le. A man who was my hus­band’s mate from his stu­dent days cal­led him and as­ked, “What did Kirs­ti mean when she sent me a friend re­qu­est on Fa­ce­book?”

I have had to ad­just to What¬sAp¬p, but I have said, with a chuck­le, that all those tu­bes and twit­ters, mes­sen­gers, ins­tag­rams, chats and wha­te­ver are just some non­sen­se for kids that does not con­cern me at all. I must ad­mit there are si­tu­a­ti­ons where I hope that the per­son I am tal­king to would not re­a­li­ze that I do not un­ders­tand anyt­hing of what he or she is sa­ying.

But com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on is chan­ging, and I must find my nic­he. I had ne­ver read a blog be­fo­re I got that in­vi­ta­ti­on from SRK. Now I have. And I have re­a­li­zed that the wri­ters of those blogs have found a chan­nel for their thoughts that al­lows them to re­ach out to ot­her pe­op­le who have va­lu­es si­mi­lar to theirs and are in­te­res­ted in be­lie­ving pe­op­le’s eve­ry­day life and views of the world.

So, I will stop my se­ve­re cri­ti­cism of all so­ci­al me­dia and start blog­ging.

Ma­y­be I will still find 12 to­pics for this ye­ar – enough to write 12 blog posts.

Text: Kirs­ti Rii­hi­mä­ki

Trans­la­ti­on: Sirk­ka-Lii­sa Lei­no­nen

You will find the ori­gi­nal blog post here.


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