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Vieraskieliset / In-english

Blog: Could less actually be more?

Vieraskieliset / In-english
24.7.2020 11.40

Juttua muokattu:

24.7. 11:42

Du­ring the ex­cep­ti­o­nal spring of il­l­ness and lock­down, many pe­op­le dis­co­ve­red the rec­re­a­ti­o­nal va­lue of na­tu­re. When you feel ut­ter­ly ex­haus­ted, you can find rest and pe­a­ce in the fo­rest. I hope that, du­ring the co­ro­na­vi­rus pan­de­mic, we le­arnt to re­gard na­tu­re as a sig­ni­fi­cant sour­ce of wel­l­being and to choo­se a more en­vi­ron­men­tal­ly-friend­ly way of life.

The ma­te­ri­al and im­ma­te­ri­al ef­fects of na­tu­ral eco­sys­tems are vi­tal gifts of God. We would do well to che­rish them.

Un­de­ni­ab­ly, our time is a time of over­con­sump­ti­on, which cau­ses na­tu­re to suf­fer. We ob­ser­ved the World’s Over­con­sump­ti­on Day in July in 2019. In that same ye­ar, Fin­land’s ove­rall con­sump­ti­on ex­cee­ded the globe’s ca­pa­ci­ty to pro­du­ce re­ne­wab­le re­sour­ces in Ap­ril al­re­a­dy.

The 2020 Over­con­sump­ti­on Day was pro­bab­ly post­po­ned toa laa­er date due to the co­ro­na­vi­rus pan­de­mic. The cri­sis strip­ped the Wes­tern li­fes­ty­le of all but the es­sen­ti­als. The vo­lu­mes of air traf­fic and mass tou­rism dec­re­a­sed ra­di­cal­ly. Fac­to­ries were clo­sed down.

These chan­ges and some ot­her con­se­qu­en­ces of the pan­de­mic re­sul­ted in a dec­re­a­se of con­sump­ti­on and emis­si­ons. Would this be a sui­tab­le junc­tu­re for us to cre­a­te a so­cie­ty bet­ter com­pa­tib­le with na­tu­re?

If I were yo­un­ger, I would en­roll in an en­vi­ron­men­tal study prog­ram of some sort. It is in­te­res­ting to try to find sus­tai­nab­le so­lu­ti­ons. There is a small uto­pi­an in­si­de me.

I ap­p­re­ci­a­te the com­mit­ment of Fin­nish schools to the FEG (Fu¬tu¬re Ener¬gy Skil¬ls and Ga¬mi¬fi¬ca¬ti¬on) pro­ject, which aims to find ways to in­teg­ra­te sus­tai­nab­le de­ve­lop­ment and pre­ven­ti­on of cli­ma­te chan­ge as part of school inst­ruc­ti­on.

While wor­king on this pro­ject, sixth-gra­ders study the in­su­la­ti­on of hou­ses from the view­point of how to save ener­gy. Yo­un­ger pu­pils me­a­su­re the qu­an­ti­ty of wa­ter used for was­hing hands, ai­ming at mi­ni­mi­za­ti­on of wa­ter con­sump­ti­on. Pu­pils make field trips to en­terp­ri­ses in­vol­ved in re­cyc­ling and ener­gy pro­duc­ti­on.

I ad­mit to being an eco-freak who ap­p­re­ci­a­tes na­tu­re and its pro­tec­ti­on. Pe­op­le of my ge­ne­ra­ti­on do not con­si­der the cur­rent le­vel of wel­l­being and ge­ne­ral abun­dan­ce self-evi­dent.

Let us look at meat con­sump­ti­on, for ins­tan­ce. It has trip­led sin­ce the 1950s. When I was a child, we did not have meat eve­ry day. We ate plain bread and but­ter. We of­ten had po­ta­to­es boi­led in milk for din­ner, and por­rid­ge of ta­pi­o­ca or gro­ats was a good meal.

We li­ved well on that kind of food. I the­re­fo­re wel­co­me the di­mi­nis­hing con­sump­ti­on of meat and the inc­re­a­se of ve­ge­tab­le use. I hope that the over­con­sump­ti­on of the past few de­ca­des was on­ly a tran­sient trend.

Could we le­arn to do with less of eve­ryt­hing? Could we le­arn to en­joy our fa­mi­ly and home life? Du­ring the co­ro­na­vi­rus lock­down I was hap­py to see a new phe­no­me­non: whole fa­mi­lies spen­ding time to­get­her out­doors and sib­lings bi­king to­get­her!

I want to make choi­ces that will help us to have a win­ter and sum­mer, spring and au­tumn even in the fu­tu­re. I hope there will still be fo­rest paths pas­sing through stands of spru­ces where I can le­a­ve be­hind my fa­ti­gue and low spi­rits. I al­so hope many ri­vers will con­ti­nue to flow free­ly, ins­pi­ring a free flow of thoughts in pe­op­le’s minds.

A well-known Fin­nish con­ser­va­ti­o­nist on­ce wrote that we should le­arn to en­joy a slow boat trip to a ne­ar­by is­land with a ther­mos of cof­fee and a bag of home-made cin­na­mon buns.

I al­so want to pro­mo­te an at­mosp­he­re of hope. I be­lie­ve that pe­op­le can de­ve­lop the tech­no­lo­gy to sol­ve en­vi­ron­men­tal and cli­ma­tic prob­lems.

In ad­di­ti­on to our ef­forts to live in a sus­tai­nab­le way, we al­so have the gift of pra­yer. We can ask our He­a­ven­ly Fat­her to bless our li­ves and the work we do. The des­ti­ny of the globe is in His hands.

Text: Au­lik­ki Pii­rai­nen

Trans­la­ti­on: Sirk­ka-Lii­sa Lei­no­nen

You will find the ori­gi­nal blog post here.


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