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Blog: Sky and space, what are you?

Vieraskieliset / In-english10.4.2020 6.30

Do you re­mem­ber how, as a child, you so­me­ti­mes lay down on the snow-co­ve­red ground and ga­zed at the star­ry sky? Ma­y­be you even re­cog­ni­zed some of the cons­tel­la­ti­ons. Do you re­mem­ber that stran­ge fee­ling? That space see­med so lar­ge and alien, won­der­ful and fas­ci­na­ting. Ma­y­be even a bit frigh­te­ning.

Blog: Poems open up new views

Vieraskieliset / In-english3.4.2020 6.30

Pe­op­le who en­joy re­a­ding fic­ti­ve prose may be less fa­mi­li­ar with po­ems. Some even find them hard to un­ders­tand. Yet po­ems of­ten de­pict or­di­na­ry life events in a con­ci­se way.

Blog: Mother

Vieraskieliset / In-english31.3.2020 6.15

Mot­her ma­kes sure there is a kam­pa­ni­su for each of her friends. For her, the comb-sha­ped kam¬pa¬ni¬su past­ry is the best treat she can ever give to any­bo­dy.

Blog: Social distancing – physically far but emotionally close by

Vieraskieliset / In-english27.3.2020 15.15

We have a lar­ge to­wer of toi­let pa­per in our li­ving room. The to­wer is as tall as the child­ren and qui­te uns­tab­le. Using gym­nas­tic rings, the child­ren one by one swing over to the to­wer and kick it over. The room is full of laugh­ter, joy and gig­g­les.

Blog: Everything all right

Vieraskieliset / In-english10.3.2020 6.50

It is a crisp, cool au­tumn af­ter­noon. I re­a­li­ze I have enough time af­ter the school day to drive to our count­ry cot­ta­ge, pick a pail of cur­rants and make them in­to jui­ce on the wood-bur­ning stove. What bet­ter way to un­wind af­ter a day in a noi­sy clas­s­room!

Blog: Opening the door of my writing chamber

Vieraskieliset / In-english2.3.2020 6.50

”Many thanks for sen­ding yo­ur samp­le blog text to Päi­vä­mies! We would like to in­vi­te you to start as a new on­li­ne blog­ger.”

Blog: And how did I end up here?

Vieraskieliset / In-english24.2.2020 6.55

I used to write a co­lumn for Päi­vä­mies. That was a fun pro­ject. So­me­ti­mes I had prob­lems mee­ting the de­ad­li­ne. It was a big re­lief to be ab­le to put the ty­pew­rit­ten pa­ges in­to an en­ve­lo­pe in the mor­ning and drop the let­ter in­to the mail­box on my way to work. So­me­ti­mes, ho­we­ver, I wrote the next co­lumn while still wor­king on the pre­vi­ous one.

Blog: Group work

Vieraskieliset / In-english17.2.2020 6.45

I am spoo­ning por­rid­ge in­to my yo­un­gest child’s mouth. Or trying to. He is sha­king his head right and left, stretc­hing his back, tur­ning his body around, trying to re­ach things, kee­ping his lips shut tight. He pays no at­ten­ti­on to my thre­ats that he won’t stay on the he­alt­hy growth cur­ves if he does not eat. I give him pie­ces of coo­ked ve­ge­tab­les that he can pick up him­self and eat. He ta­kes a coup­le of bi­tes and pus­hes them away. Frust­ra­ted, I won­der why simp­le ea­ting can be so dif­fi­cult. But then I re­mem­ber so­met­hing from my child­hood. I was around 6 ye­ars old, sit­ting on the floor with my sis­ter. We were sur­roun­ded by dol­ls and dol­ls’ clot­hes, our own clot­hes, dra­wing pa­per, cra­yons and stic­kers. We had been or­de­red to take away the glass jar full of la­dy­birds that we had col­lec­ted the pre­vi­ous day, alt­hough we would have li­ked to have kept them as pets. Mot­her had told us to tidy our room, but it see­med too much work. We had not even star­ted ti­dying when mot­her al­re­a­dy cal­led us to eat. We won­de­red which would be less fun, to tidy our room or to eat. Both see­med like pu­nish­ments. Time has eli­mi­na­ted this prob­lem, at le­ast as far as ea­ting is con­cer­ned.

Blog: Lost

Vieraskieliset / In-english6.2.2020 6.40

Tying the belt, I walk quick­ly to the door. It could be the chair­man of the hou­sing as­so­ci­a­ti­on. Have I for­got­ten to pay my wa­ter bill?

Blog: Prematurely?

Vieraskieliset / In-english30.1.2020 12.39

I lay in bed cur­led up, sta­ring in­to the dark­ness. As the pain in­ten­si­fied, grief en­com­pas­sed my mind, my body, my whole being.

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