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Vieraskieliset / In-english

Blog: Each years makes us older

Vieraskieliset / In-english
21.3.2022 12.00

Juttua muokattu:

21.3. 11:23

Text: Kirs­ti Wal­le­nius-Rii­hi­mä­ki

Trans­la­ti­on: Sirk­ka-Lii­sa Lei­no­nen

This will be my last blog post for Päi­vä­mies – I think. I have been blog­ging for two ye­ars, sub­mit­ting a post eve­ry month.

When I star­ted my “blog­ging ca­reer”, I had al­re­a­dy tur­ned 80. I was as­ked to write about what it is like to be old.

Du­ring these two ye­ars I have le­arnt qui­te a few things about get­ting old. For ins­tan­ce, one sing­le ye­ar is enough to make us feel ol­der. The body shows signs of ageing, thin­king be­co­mes slo­wer, we need to se­arch for words. Two ye­ars make us feel even ol­der. I have of­ten sat with a wri­ting pad on my lap, sta­ring in­to the dis­tan­ce: Would it be sui­tab­le or ot­her­wi­se okay to write about where my thoughts are ta­king me? And can I do it? Will I find the words from my me­mo­ry be­fo­re I for­get the ori­gi­nal idea.

I would not have had the cou­ra­ge to take on this task wit­hout you, dear re­a­ders, who have told me about the thoughts my texts have arou­sed in yo­ur minds. Even a very short com­ment like ”yo­ur blog post was nice” ma­kes me feel good. It is even more use­ful if you tell me why you found it good. Pro­bab­ly the most en­cou­ra­ging com­ment came from a lady in my home zion. She said, ”I have kind of known you for a long time, but through yo­ur blog you have be­co­me close to me.”

What about now that I will no lon­ger be sta­ring in­to the dis­tan­ce with a wri­ting pad on my lap, pon­de­ring about my next blog post? The ba­bies who were born two ye­ars ago are al­re­a­dy shown on vi­deo run­ning around and sa­ying won­der­ful things, but their grand­ma has not yet been ab­le to hold them! And those who were tod­d­lers two ye­ars ago are dre­a­ming about presc­hool. What will their world be like? De­ve­lop­ment is so fast that I so­me­ti­mes feel sca­red.

But things have al­wa­ys been like that. How shoc­ked we were at the turn of the 1950s and 1960s when we he­ard about sa­tel­li­tes and then about the first hu­man being sent in­to space; would this be the end of the world? It was not. But de­ve­lop­ment gra­du­al­ly made it pos­sib­le for me to write my text here and you to read it there. Wor­king re­mo­te­ly was not pos­sib­le at that time. Or what about the fe­ars of the new mil­len­nium 22 ye­ars ago. There was no ca­tast­rop­he then eit­her.

So, I can still sit here, sta­ring in­to the dis­tan­ce and thin­king about the pe­op­le I have come to know. They do not know yet what it is like to grow old; what things chan­ge over time, the many things that can fit in­to an in­di­vi­du­al’s life, and how a per­son ad­justs to all chan­ges. I feel I am on a di­vi­de or a van­ta­ge point, where I can look in­to a mir­ror and see things like in a dream: through a win­dow one sees ahe­ad, through a mir­ror one sees back. One needs near vi­si­on for some things and long sight for some ot­hers.

Ma­y­be I will buy a hard copy of Tho­mas Erik­son’s book Sur­roun­ded by Idi­ots as soon as it be­co­mes avai­lab­le again. I have he­ard the au­dio ver­si­on twice, but it is ea­sier to un­ders­tand things when you read them. It is fun to view one’s neigh­bors – and even one­self – ba­sed on the aut­hor’s ide­as.

One of my re­a­ders com­men­ted on my blog post like this: ”— Like our trust in God. In some way it is self-evi­dent, but then again it is anyt­hing but self-evi­dent. I think we need to pray for trust. I re­mem­ber when, du­ring my can­cer tre­at­ments, a friend of mine said: ‘You can­not trust in God light­ly. You must hang on to Him with both hands. You should ac­tu­al­ly pray for that trust.’ I think of this at the mo­ments when it is dif­fi­cult to trust.”

That is how I al­so want to trust. I re­al­ly need to hang on to God’s word with “both hands”. God’s re­a­so­ning is be­hind all this. He exp­res­ses Him­self in the his­to­ry of na­ti­ons and the pha­ses of hu­man life.

I thank you for these ye­ars. Keep me in yo­ur pra­yers.


Pitäkää huolta, että tulette toimeen keskenänne, antakaa anteeksi toisillenne, vaikka teillä olisikin moittimisen aihetta. Niin kuin Herra on antanut teille anteeksi, niin antakaa tekin. Kol. 3:13

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